0 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon

How to install The Greased Lightning Kodi Addon

The Greased Lightning Movie Cinema Addon is fast, “one click” addon, which brings a large base of content, in many categories. If you like old movies, don’t miss their “Classic Movies” category. The real debrid shortens buffering time and these services also provide streams of much higher quality.

Attention Kodi users: Your streaming activities can be recorded!

You can be tracked by your IP address!
Your current IP address is:

Your internet service provider, government, Kodi Addon developer or even hackers have the possibility to monitor your streaming activities. Therefore you should urgently use a VPN service with Kodi to protect your internet connection and your activities from the eyes of third parties.

KodiGuide is not affiliated with Kodi or the developers of any Kodi add-ons, skins or elements related to Kodi. My contributions are only to show you how easy it is to install these video addons. Responsible for the content of the addons are the respective developers.

The installation of Greased Lightning Kodi Addon

So that we can install the addon we also need the right repository. The so-called Diamond Build Repo is also known to many as the Diamond Dust Repo or Diamond Wizard Repository. You will find a small tutorial on how to install it right here . The installation is as follows simply adding a new media source the address of which is http://repo.rubyjewelwizard.com/ 

  1. The Diamond Build Repo is installed, we are in the Kodi main menu and press  “Settings” (gear)

    1 How To Install Greased Lightning Addon Settings

  2. Go on to  “Addons”

    2 How To Install Greased Lightning Addon Click Addons

  3. Click on Install  from repository”

    3 How To Install Greased Lightning Addon Install From Repository

  4. Select the  “Diamond Build Repo” here

    4 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Pick Repo

  5. Go straight to  “Video Add-ons”

    5 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Video Addons

  6. Find our “Greased Lightning”  Kodi addon from the list and click on it

    6 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Pick

  7. So that the addon can work we first go to  “install” . In the following windows we confirm the addon dependencies with  “OK”

    7 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Install

  8. After a short moment we receive the message that the installation was successful

    8 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Note

  9. We select the addon again and go to  “open”

    9 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Open

  10. After a short start we get the overview and we can start using the addon!

    10 How To Install Greased Lightning Kodi Addon Done

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